Radiance MS

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65x EXP 100x Meso 3x Drop

    Random Event's


    Posts : 227
    Join date : 2009-12-16
    Location : In my Mom

    Random Event's Empty Random Event's

    Post  Adrian Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:18 pm

    At time's when there is no GM's on, nd everyone is bored, I will be holding out Event's thru the server with some of the regular's.

    Some of The Thing I would be Doing Are :
    1) Hide n Seek - Me and Another Person will make a mule to hide with and the other person will be giving out the Clue's, they will not be in the same map so you can track! Razz Prize's may Vary depending on our Mood/Wealth. It could range from Rare NX - to our Specially Scrolled Item's, Or even some Chaos Scroll's or GM Scroll's. We will also be giving out Certain amount of Cloud and/or Coin's.

    2) Drop Event Around The World - Basically I would go on a mule and go around town to town dropping Rare Item or Cloud/Coin. It could be ANYWHERE. But we will give you certain Clue's as which it would be, Like Monster Map's, or Not. Maybe even a Certain Continent.

    3) Trivia - I would gather everyone into one room or have it Smega'd thru the Server. I will ask Question's of all Sort relating to latest new's to old history, maybe even MapleStory Related Stuff. One of the thing's we could do it what the GMs do is name the item/category/job. Reward's would be 10 Cloud or 2 Coin's.

    4) PvP Event/Tournament - We would gather all the player's into Channel 4, They would be put into team's and be chosen a map to fight in. The surviving team will receive Rare NX - to our Specially Scrolled Item's, Or even some Chaos Scroll's or GM Scroll's. We will also be giving out Certain amount of Cloud and/or Coin's depending on the amount of people. We could also do a Free - For - All, and the surviving person will win. We could also PvP event in which, you must kill a certain person. *coughdoseonorleocough*


    There are way more, But if anyone wanted to give me any Suggestion, Feel Free. ^-^

    Last edited by Adrian on Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added' PvP Event :))

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