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    Genn's Froody GM Application

    LV 10 HOE
    LV 10 HOE

    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2010-01-10

    Genn's Froody GM Application Empty Genn's Froody GM Application

    Post  Drag0nFabl3 Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:31 am

    With a word like froody in it, you know it's good.

    Whats your name? :Caleb Michal Michel Michael M. Eddy (Was never sure how to spell)

    How old are you? : 14

    You charecter's name?: Genn

    How much or how often can you play? : I usually play for about 4-6 hours on weekdays. (Man I feel like a nerd...) On weekends, I can do 8-10, maybe more maybe less (depends on if I have to stuff to do, or Dad makes me randomly go somehwere, happens sometimes.) Even on bad days when im busy, I try to spend atleast two hours on weekdays, and 4 hours on weekends.

    What timezone you live in? : Eastern I think.

    What you can bring to the server? : I try to be a friendly guy and be welcome to everyone I can. If I were to be picked, I would do my best to vote and keep the server alive, And to make the players feel welcome, and give them someone to talk to, basically trying to help them keep and interest in the game. Also I could be there to try and lighten up the mood for the times I get on and the all the other GMs are afk, and try some new ideas for events. I find myself on when a lot of other GMs are off, and wow, its also when all the hackers get on.

    Why we should choose you? : I have never been a GM in another server. Other servers I have been in and had dedicated my self to. I want that across first. I have been to several severs that have rejected me simply for my age or because I don't have experience. I have been to servers where everyone whos anybody formed a group, and made it so beginners were less likely to stay in the server and they treated everyone else like nothing. I was one of those people they did not care for, and it has crossed over into me doing simple things, like helping the new people and trying to welcome everyone back when they first get on. My goal as a GM would be to welcome the newcomers, and let them know that someone will extend a hand and welcome them to the server.

    In this server so far, I've done my best to contribute towards it. I've helped beginners with their questions and even trained some of them, or have simply helped by pointing the right direction. I have tried to help with identifying hackers and making sure other GMs know that a person might be hacking. These would be things Id continue to do if made a GM, except in more of an active role.
    (For the record, this is one of the most friendly servers I've been to)<--- Trying to not make that sound like I'm sucking up.

    How can we contact you for further inspection?: Lil-c1@comcast.net is my main email address. Other then that you can talk to me in game as I'm on alot.

    And we leave with a quote:
    “I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

    Thanks For reading~

    Last edited by Drag0nFabl3 on Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:13 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Cleaning up)
    LV 10 HOE
    LV 10 HOE

    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2010-01-10

    Genn's Froody GM Application Empty New and improved

    Post  Drag0nFabl3 Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:58 am

    I used impact so I leave an impact Very Happy

    Posts : 109
    Join date : 2009-12-01

    Genn's Froody GM Application Empty Re: Genn's Froody GM Application

    Post  Notorious Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:02 pm

    Good luck Glen! =D

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