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2 posters

    A few little suggestions.

    B&, kid.
    B&, kid.

    Posts : 53
    Join date : 2010-08-04
    Age : 34

    A few little suggestions. Empty A few little suggestions.

    Post  PuddlesX Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:46 pm

    It's simple to do, I'm sure you know how.
    A GM hides in a certain place, with their darksite on. They give hints to where they are. They also give us something to say when we get there, to confirm that we found them. Simple and fun.

    Find the item
    Put a rare item in a map that's easy to get to. Give us hints so the item won't go away before we get there. I suggest the GM stand on the map to tell us when it DOES disappear. The point of the game is to get the item before anyone else, or before it disappears.

    Name the song
    My ex boyfriend and I used to host this on MapleGeek when we lived together. It's simple. A GM (or even a regular player) posts lyrics in FM or via smegas, and the first person to guess the name of the song, wins a prize. I prefer doing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. I also prefer that, while doing it in FM, you have people whisper it to you.

    FM number event
    This is an event GMS held years ago... When they DID have events. Each room in FM has monsters or bosses in them. Number 1 having the weakest monsters and bosses, building up to Zak or PB in the last FM. I suggest posting a rule that goes with the first few FM rooms, so lower levels don't get KS'd.

    This is a game we invented on MapleGeek a few years back. Some of the regular players used to play this game with other players. It's simple. Ask a question in FM or via smegas, and whoever gives the best answer, wins something special. Small... But special. It's a game to test your creativity. I've also seen people ask others to pick a number between one and ten, first to answer correctly got the prize.

    I guess that's all. Just a few suggestions from some other servers.
    I'd like to see someone try them out. :D
    Players AND GMs can hold most of these events.

    <3, Ali

    Posts : 487
    Join date : 2010-01-10
    Age : 27
    Location : Conroe , Texas(:

    A few little suggestions. Empty Re: A few little suggestions.

    Post  iPoke Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:14 pm

    PuddlesX wrote:Hide&Seek
    It's simple to do, I'm sure you know how.
    A GM hides in a certain place, with their darksite on. They give hints to where they are. They also give us something to say when we get there, to confirm that we found them. Simple and fun.

    Zackk: O-O? We already have this event.

    Find the item
    Put a rare item in a map that's easy to get to. Give us hints so the item won't go away before we get there. I suggest the GM stand on the map to tell us when it DOES disappear. The point of the game is to get the item before anyone else, or before it disappears.

    Zackk: Roar Interesting.

    Name the song
    My ex boyfriend and I used to host this on MapleGeek when we lived together. It's simple. A GM (or even a regular player) posts lyrics in FM or via smegas, and the first person to guess the name of the song, wins a prize. I prefer doing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. I also prefer that, while doing it in FM, you have people whisper it to you.

    Zackk: Lmao Karkaoke? o-o.

    FM number event
    This is an event GMS held years ago... When they DID have events. Each room in FM has monsters or bosses in them. Number 1 having the weakest monsters and bosses, building up to Zak or PB in the last FM. I suggest posting a rule that goes with the first few FM rooms, so lower levels don't get KS'd.

    Zackk: uhm. Are you trying to say that we should add FM bosses?o-o

    This is a game we invented on MapleGeek a few years back. Some of the regular players used to play this game with other players. It's simple. Ask a question in FM or via smegas, and whoever gives the best answer, wins something special. Small... But special. It's a game to test your creativity. I've also seen people ask others to pick a number between one and ten, first to answer correctly got the prize.

    Zackk: Trivia? o_o

    I guess that's all. Just a few suggestions from some other servers.
    I'd like to see someone try them out. Very Happy
    Players AND GMs can hold most of these events.

    <3, Ali

    IdkIdk. o-o
    B&, kid.
    B&, kid.

    Posts : 53
    Join date : 2010-08-04
    Age : 34

    A few little suggestions. Empty Re: A few little suggestions.

    Post  PuddlesX Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:54 am

    iPoke wrote:
    PuddlesX wrote:Hide&Seek
    It's simple to do, I'm sure you know how.
    A GM hides in a certain place, with their darksite on. They give hints to where they are. They also give us something to say when we get there, to confirm that we found them. Simple and fun.

    Havn't been back long enough to see you guys do it.

    Find the item
    Put a rare item in a map that's easy to get to. Give us hints so the item won't go away before we get there. I suggest the GM stand on the map to tell us when it DOES disappear. The point of the game is to get the item before anyone else, or before it disappears.

    It's easy for you, and for us. You should consider it. :]

    Name the song
    My ex boyfriend and I used to host this on MapleGeek when we lived together. It's simple. A GM (or even a regular player) posts lyrics in FM or via smegas, and the first person to guess the name of the song, wins a prize. I prefer doing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. I also prefer that, while doing it in FM, you have people whisper it to you.

    You post lyrics, others guess the song name for prizes. As far as I know, karaoke isn't the same? o_o

    FM number event
    This is an event GMS held years ago... When they DID have events. Each room in FM has monsters or bosses in them. Number 1 having the weakest monsters and bosses, building up to Zak or PB in the last FM. I suggest posting a rule that goes with the first few FM rooms, so lower levels don't get KS'd.

    No. Just as an event every now and again. You know, people complain about the events not being fair for lower levels. It's like having them in FM, but they don't respawn. Very Happy

    This is a game we invented on MapleGeek a few years back. Some of the regular players used to play this game with other players. It's simple. Ask a question in FM or via smegas, and whoever gives the best answer, wins something special. Small... But special. It's a game to test your creativity. I've also seen people ask others to pick a number between one and ten, first to answer correctly got the prize.

    No. Like.. Random questions.
    IE: If you had a stick, what would you do with it?
    The person who has the best and most creative answer, wins something small. It's more or less a mini event.

    I guess that's all. Just a few suggestions from some other servers.
    I'd like to see someone try them out. Very Happy
    Players AND GMs can hold most of these events.

    <3, Ali

    IdkIdk. o-o

    Idk, everyone else had fun playing. It's more challenging with more players. :3
    B&, kid.
    B&, kid.

    Posts : 53
    Join date : 2010-08-04
    Age : 34

    A few little suggestions. Empty Re: A few little suggestions.

    Post  PuddlesX Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:47 am

    Btw, the stick question was
    A horrible example. o_o

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    A few little suggestions. Empty Re: A few little suggestions.

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