Radiance MS

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    Gm app for Ioannis

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    Gm app for Ioannis Empty Gm app for Ioannis

    Post  loannis Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:11 am

    Name: Ioannis Parrisis

    Age: 13

    Time Zone: Usa Mass.

    Time Online: Im very active on about 6hours+

    Languages: English+Greek

    Contact Info: parissisioa4@aol.com

    Experience: Ive been playing ms for 3 years.Ive just started ps for about a month

    Why should you get your position:Because I'll be the Best GM that I can be, I wont slack off I'll give 150% on all I do and all I try to do. I would make this server more fun by adding in events and what not to spicen up the server. I am responsible to be trusted. I am mature, I'll handle the situation like anybody else would, I'll keep a watchful eye on what is going on, and i will be nice and friendly about, and I wouldn't disrespect any other staff member. Well, I may not be the BEST GM out there but, I can help other players to the best of my ability such as teaching them how to get to places, or where do we get our job advancements but also I am very friendly and not only helpful. When the server is down for along period of time, I find out a way to make it up to the players for all the downtime. When a problem occurs I will use the best of my ability to figure out a way of how to solve it. I will improve The player surroundings and the behavior of the players and how they would act around each other and know that there is a consequence for what they do.

    What can you improve or help with: I can help people with questions I am very well known with problems.And i know how to handle them.

    P.s. Ioannis Parissis

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 10:32 pm