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2 posters

    Retrix's GM App

    LV 1 LOL
    LV 1 LOL

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2010-08-09

    Retrix's GM App Empty Retrix's GM App

    Post  Retrix Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:20 am

    Hey my name is Ryan and im applying for a level 3 or 4 GM spot.

    Im 15 and can play all day if needed but normally play for 6 or 7 hours.

    My IGN is Retrix. Im in Easter Time Zone (GMT -5).

    I should be chosen because i my great amount of experience.

    I was a coder and lvl 5 GM on a v55 server called SkylineMS for a year until nexon threatened to shut it down.

    Then after that i was a lvl 4 on a v62 called xianms for 6 months until it was shutdown due to the owner going to college.

    I can also get a vbulletin forum instead of this free forum and help code the site if needed. Not to mention im extremely helpful to other players.

    And i can advertise big time as im an admin on a big gaming network forum. So basically i feel im very qualified as i can help out in many different sections of this server


    Posts : 487
    Join date : 2010-01-10
    Age : 27
    Location : Conroe , Texas(:

    Retrix's GM App Empty Re: Retrix's GM App

    Post  iPoke Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:28 am

    Example Please of coding.

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