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4 posters

    Russian Roulette.

    B&, kid.
    B&, kid.

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2010-06-20

    Russian Roulette. Empty Russian Roulette.

    Post  4chan Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:26 pm

    Russian Roulette

    Objective: You have 10 seconds to step on one "box" and hope for the GM to not appear on the box you're standing on or else you'll get warped out. Yes, this event is entirely based on luck.


    Hello forum-goers. This is an event suggestion to RMS, and hopefully, you'll host one event of RR once I finish explaining what is RR and what do you do.

    Table Of Contents

    1. Getting Started

    • Requirements
    • Location
    • Prize

    2. During the Event

    • Rules

    Getting Started

    So you want to host an RR, right? Read on...


    First off, you will need a GM to host this event if you're not a GM and you want to host one. Obviously, if you're a GM and you want to host one, skip this step.


    Since you have a GM hosting your event, you will have 3 locations to start your event in.

    • Hidden Street: 1st Accompaniment <4th stage>
      Map ID: 103000803
    • OX Quiz
      Map ID: 109020001

      OX Quiz is slightly different than the others for an RR. First, all the participants will go to the middle of the X. After that, the participants will simply step on any part of the X and hope that the GM isn't standing on where the participants are standing on.

    • Ludi PQ <8th stage>
      Map ID: (PM me if you have the map ID for this map.)


    Gacha tickets.

    During the Event

    Good job, the event started. Now listen to these rules, little boy. The event will go on until there is only one participant surviving the event.


    Before every event, you need to explain the rules. You must always mention these rules:

    • This is a RR event.
    • You will have 10 seconds to stand on any box.
    • Once you are sure about your final answer, type @emo.
    • After that, I will resurrect everyone else and you will have another 10 seconds, and so on..

    You will also have directions for yourself too.

    • You will go in hide and stand on any box until the 10 seconds are up.
    • You will warp out everyone standing on your box, and resurrect everyone else.
    • You will go hide after you done warping everyone standing on your box.


    Thank you for reading this brief event explanation and suggestion. Hopefully, this event will be hosted frequently in the future. omgPOP out.

    Last edited by 4chan on Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:06 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian Roulette. Empty Re: Russian Roulette.

    Post  Feather Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:39 am

    I like this - I might use this and give credits to you :]

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    Russian Roulette. Empty Re: Russian Roulette.

    Post  Annie Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:35 am

    Coolio :3 i like how you set this up btw

    Posts : 487
    Join date : 2010-01-10
    Age : 27
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    Russian Roulette. Empty Re: Russian Roulette.

    Post  iPoke Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:18 am

    Good Organization. o.o

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