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    DevilsMahem's GM App

    LV 1 LOL
    LV 1 LOL

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2010-01-18
    Age : 29

    DevilsMahem's GM App Empty DevilsMahem's GM App

    Post  devilsmahem Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:17 pm

    Name : Jante

    Age : 14

    Ign : DevilsMahem

    Play Time : WeekDays:6-8 Hours - WeekEnds:7-9 Hours

    Timezone : EST

    What you can bring to the server : I Could Bring Fun To Alot Of People!! I HAve Some Experience
    With Coding!

    Here are some events I could hold:
    Hide and Seek - You have to find the GM (game master), and you will win a prize!
    Summoning Event - I summon monsters for players and they have to defeat them!

    Why we should choose you : I have been a Game Master in 3 previous server's.

    1. BeepedStory (Closed down)
    2. RhapedStory
    3. LatinMS (I was the Co-Owner)

    Here are some stuff I would never do as a GM:
    Give players certain things because I like them/for no reason.
    Rig contests so a certain player/team wins.
    Start giving a GM hat to all the players and start banning them for no reason.

    Thanks For Reading My App...


      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 10:52 pm